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About Me


My name is Zoe, I’m a registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), working exclusively in  women’s health.

I was born and raised in a small town in the North of England, attended university in York and then moved to London to pursue a career in software and technology. In 2016, my husband and I decided to take our careers to Tokyo, where I continued to work in software.

Nutrition was a hobby long before it became my work. Whenever I had a spare minute, I would listen to podcasts or read research. Then in 2018 I decided to leave my job and pursue a formal education in Nutrition. I studied biochemistry and then completed my master’s degree at University College London in Clinical and Public Health Nutrition.

One of the biggest learnings for me was that many of the ‘wellness’ trends I had been following were more a product of good marketing than good science, and this was especially the case for women’s health, and still is, with a huge amount of mis-information on the internet and social media. As a result, I am committed to only communicating the latest science-backed information when supporting women through life-changes, both big and small.

Today, I run my own Tokyo-based consultancy business; Zoe Brown Nutrition. I also have
two small children, so life is very full.

Please reach out to me if you would like nutritional support as you approach and move through transitionary stages in your life, such as pregnancy, post-partum or menopause. I would love to help!


I would love to meet you to find out your needs! Let's connect.

+81 70 1458 0080

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